The Proven Psychology Based Design Tips To Skyrocket Engagement On The Website

Jijo William Nadar
5 min readNov 4, 2020

Every marketer wants to build a website that drives maximum user engagement. Because it eventually leads to higher customer retention and conversion. Then what will be the features of such an impressive website?

Let us bust a myth first.

Many people think that a beautifully embellished website makes the business successful. But it’s not completely true. You can develop a simplistic site with minimal design and still make riches. Because the only thing matters are how you make your visitors feel! The vibe and impression they get from your site are actually important. In clear phrases, you have to understand the psychology of viewers.

Here, we have backed you with 5 design strategies proven by psychology. Read through to know how to woo your visitors and keep them engaged for a long time.

Colour and font selection

Different colours are known to stimulate specific emotions in the human brain. Same goes for the colour palette you have chosen for your website and brand logo. It is surprising that people have associated some popular brands with colours.

For example, When we hear the word Coca-Cola, the red colour comes to our mind immediately. This red colour actually highlights the energetic product of Coca-Cola brand.

Let us see some statistics that justify the impact of colours-

  • Having the ideal colour theme on your site can boost your brand recognition by 80%
  • 85% of customers buy a product because of its attractive colour.
  • 66% of people won’t buy a product if it is not their favourite colour.
  • Colourful ads attract 26% more attention than black and white ads in the newspaper.

So, we can conclude that colour plays an important role in web designing. Colour preference differs from person to person. You have to research the age group, location, gender of your audience to know what colour will attract them. It is better to use the A/B testing to find what works best.

But remember, there is no universal colour that can give you quick success. Every brand has a relatable colour that resonates with its mission, products and values. So, select a colour theme that tells the main quality of your brand. And at the same time, appeals to your audience.

about how to choose the fonts….

Not just colours, fonts can also change the reader’s mood and level of attention. That is why a myriad of font styles are available nowadays. The fashion magazines use stylish and elegant fonts whereas professional websites have fonts that strengthen their brand voice.

Also, you have to make sure that the fonts are legible enough to read on the computer and phone screens. Fonts can also distinguish your site from others using the same themes (on WordPress).

Gestalt Principle of Symmetry- Gain attention through asymmetry

It is a fact, that we humans better appreciate symmetrical designs. We consume content faster when it is presented to us in a balanced organisation.

Just the opposite happens when we come across an asymmetrical element. We stop for a moment and put more focus to read what is given. This psychological phenomenon is very useful in site designing.

You can place the most important aspects of your website like CTA buttons in an asymmetric pattern. As a result, it will attract much more attention to visitors and they will click it.

Stimulate the visual senses

We have already talked about the colour palette and fonts. Here the main aim is to kindle a visceral sensation in the visitors. To give them a beautiful experience that gets imprinted in their brain!

Airbnb has already mastered this art by placing attractive pictures on its homepage. When you enter the site for the first time, you are awestruck by the colourful gallery! It excites your subconscious and you start admiring the site.

Photojojo has started an innovative feature in this line. On their website, you will find a do not pull button. But when you click on it out of curiosity, a hand appears and scrolls the page down to the product description. This effect surely gives every viewer a fun-filled experience. And they just keep coming back again and again.

Hick’s law in designing

This law has proved that the more options you load on a customer, the more time they will take to finalize a decision. They may altogether abandon shopping as well! So, here are some ways to cut down this horrible risk.

  • If your product recommendation list is too long, then cut it down to few. It’s better to customize the list and show selective options.
  • If you are giving each visitor a form to fill out, try to include minimum fields.
  • Keep only those social media buttons where your customers hang out. This will increase your loading time too.
  • Limit your CTAs to one for each of the landing pages on your site.
  • Don’t put too many buttons to click on the navigation bar. Deduct the unnecessary links. You can also try by focusing on just a single button on your homepage.

Connect with your audience

If the customer feels cared, he will engage even more with the site. So, it’s important how deeply you are able to connect people through a website.

A powerful way to increase client satisfaction is by conducting tests and interviews. Through these tests, your regular viewers can give you feedback on good and bad elements on your site.

You can also segment the entire audience into groups and build separate customer avatars. This strategy will help you create designs that satisfy everybody.

Next important tactics are storytelling. This formula never goes wrong. You just have to frame the origin, mission and goals of your brand into a story. It has to be represented with interesting visuals. This idea will definitely engage more people because all love to read a story. In fact, a brand named Raven + Lily has increased the sales by 150% with powerful storytelling.


So, these were the 5 amazing tricks covered by psychology. They have been proven to multiply the conversions of many brands. These strategies accentuate your brand value and put a strong impact on customer mind. Hurry up now and apply these tips to your website to boost sales.



Jijo William Nadar

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